Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1

My journey really started back in April of 2011 but it's time to get serious and hit these last 70lbs hard!  In my blog I will be posting my workouts, recipes, tips that help me out day by day and possibly some pictures.  I have been  a member with Isagenix since April of 2011 my goal is to hit 100 lbs by the end of my 1 year with them.  I am totally focused and ready to win the Isa Body Challenge! So far my day has consisted of mushroom and barley soup and a turkey burger.  I was doing a cleanse day but the temptation of the smell of the food took over.  I am going to pick up my cleanse day tonight after my workout.  My goal is a 20min walk or bike ride and do so lifting focusing on my legs.

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