Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 4-8

I have been under the weather the last few days but im back doing a 2 day cleanse. Still need to enter the challenge for this year!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 3 and 4

Yesterday made Turkey burgers with tomato and avocado soo good. Today made a sauce to pour over my chicken. Green peppers tomato and garlic so good again. Have been in such an amazing mood the last couple days. Everything seems to be falling into place

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 2

Was a pretty good day. Snuggled with my little man did a little yard work. Had some left over soup. Doing another cleanse day tomorrow

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A new start!

I am fully committed to taking my life and weight back under control. I will be on stage next year and be a part of the 100 lb club! Tonight i have made pork chop and Cheddar cauliflower soup. Recipe found on pinterest. Im very excited have my meals planned for the week and will be taking my measurements and photos later tonight. I am going to load new pictures every week to track my progress

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Had an unwich from jj so good and found out i can sign up for another challenge gonna take pix tonight and get going again

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 12-14

Missed a few days and got off track stayed at the same weight really need to get my focus straight again

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 11

Down 5 lbs this week very excited. Doing a 2 day cleanse on sunday and monday. Im determined to hit my 100 by april. Right at 75 lbs. Ive gained a little back but i know its because ive been cheating a little bit but ive just got to think do i really really want it before i eat it. If i keep at this pace 15 weeks and ive hit 100! 4 months would be 5 lbs a week im going to try and have it done before that if i can do 7 that should hit my april

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 10

Had a meeting right after work. Got some quick house cleaning done. Mom and dad ordered chinese so since it was 830 just ate with them. Next week i start my normal hours so that means 930 workouts 4 nights a week

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 9

Mini chicken tacos and cauliflower poppers so good and very few calories. Lost 3 lbs so far this week my goal is 4-8 so keeping my fingers crossed

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 8

Had a kitchen workout it seemed like. Took me an hour to get everything ready for dinner. Stuffed mushrooms with a steak fajita salad. I bouggt myself a scale so every morning i can write my weight down to keep me going in the right direction

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 7

Had a nice bowl of farmers veggie soup and a salad for lunch. Made my menu for the week pretty excited to try all the new recipes. Have 3 different dishes where cauliflower is the main ingredient.  Didn't get a gym workout in think i pulled something bowling lastnight but figure I'll get back tomorrow

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 5 and 6

Saturday went pretty well sunday broke down and had a burger n fries but went bowling at night. Ready to b back on track this week

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 4

A day late but better late then never. Did a small dance "workout" when i got home.  Made the spinach and chicken roll ups they were good. Got a lot of house work done Went to bed early.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 3

Did not do a gym workout today as my legs were pretty sore.  I did however take extra tine to play with cayden and we watched Rio together. Had a bar for breakfast and a shake for lunch with some beef and barley soup 64 cal cant beat that. Made ham and beans tonight with ff corn bread love that the beans are only 100 cal for 1/2 cup can have a pretty filling meal for 400-600 cals. Got a pretty good workout doing laundry running up and down the stairs. Tomorrow's plans a nice workout at the gym since most people take fridays off from there so can use pretty much what i want. Gonna make chicken and spinach rolls i found on pinterest and a salad.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 2

<p>Shake for breakfast and lunch. Got the blogger on my phone now. Made turkey burgers with mushrooms onions and bacon with some brown rice for diner. Was pretty amazing. Had a great work out 15 min run 1.3 miles followed by a 10 min 2 mile bike workout. Im ready to go for 17lbs this month!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1

My journey really started back in April of 2011 but it's time to get serious and hit these last 70lbs hard!  In my blog I will be posting my workouts, recipes, tips that help me out day by day and possibly some pictures.  I have been  a member with Isagenix since April of 2011 my goal is to hit 100 lbs by the end of my 1 year with them.  I am totally focused and ready to win the Isa Body Challenge! So far my day has consisted of mushroom and barley soup and a turkey burger.  I was doing a cleanse day but the temptation of the smell of the food took over.  I am going to pick up my cleanse day tonight after my workout.  My goal is a 20min walk or bike ride and do so lifting focusing on my legs.